Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Singkatan-Singkatan yang sering dipakai di internet

Mungkin ada beberapa yang belum tahu istilah-istilah yang dipakai di internet.
Nah di bawah ini ada beberapa singkatan/istilah yang sering dipakai di internet : 

AFK = away from keyboard
AFAIK = as far as i know
A.K.A = as known as
ASAP = as soon as possible
BBS = be back soon
BRB = be right back
BRP = bad reputation point
BTW = by the way
CRB = come right back
CU = see you
CMIIW = correct me if i wrong
DL = download
EOT = end of thread
F2F = face to face
FAQ = frequently asked question
FYI = for your information
Hoax = berita bohong / tidak jelas sumbernya
IMHO = in my humble opinion
LOL = laughing on loud <~ tertawa terbahak-bahak
OMG = oh my God
OL = on line
OOT = out of topic
PM = private message
ROFL = roll on the floor laughing
THX = thanks
TS = thread starter
WYSIWYG = what you see is what you get

kalau ada yang mau nambahin comment di bawah ya.... dan kalau ada yang salah CMIIW :)

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